Mines are buried in a grid of squares in the game Minesweeper. The number that is shown in a safe square indicates the total number of mines that come into contact with that square. When all of the locked cells have been unlocked with the help of the numerical clues, the game is considered to have been successfully completed. Once a mine is activated by a player's click, the game is over instantly. Have fun!
- To begin the game, click "Play."
- To choose a grid space, use the mouse's left-click button. You lose if you strike a bomb.
- The numbers on the board reflect the number of bombs close to each square. For example, if a square has a "3" on it, there are three bombs adjacent to it. The explosives might be above, below, right or left of the square, or diagonal to it.
- To win Minesweeper, avoid all explosives and expose all vacant spots.
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