- W/ Up: Move Up
- S/ Down: Move Down
- A/ Left: Move Left
- D/ Right: Move Right
- ESC: Main Menu
- C/ Space/ Enter: Craft / Select / Attack
- X: Inventory
- Z: Global Crafting

We hope you enjoy your visit to Minicraft. It's a fun way to spend time playing this RPG. While you are exploring each world, you will have access to many different construction options. They can range from as simple as a shack with one room to as complex as an entire city. You can create your own unique world using cube-shaped blocks. Grab a bunch of wood and use your imagination to create something amazing. The same method can be used to build a monument by inserting wood into already-drilled holes. Then, the walls or doors can be secured in place. Minicraft is the perfect place to put your imagination and creativity on full display. You can create something unique. You may play Minicraft right now. Enjoy!
Try out the Minecraft-themed games we have available now.
- Survival Mode requires players to take all precautions to ensure their survival, including gathering resources, forging their own tools, leveling up, and other activities.
- This mode is comparable to Survival Mode but only provides a single life.
- In Creative mode, players are able to instantly demolish obstacles and fly in any direction.
- Fascinating game of making and creation.
- Create a world of your own with pixel data cubes.
- The system of equipment and tools is sufficiently varied to allow for creativity.
- Different game styles and maps keep things interesting.
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