Madness Combat - The Sheriff Clones
Madness Combat - The Sheriff Clones was inspired by Madness Combat, the popular videogame series. It is your job to use every possible method in order to defeat every Sheriff Clone.
Madness Combat - The Sheriff Clones is an animated video game. It is your job as a superhero to destroy an army of Grunts. You must use all available methods to defeat the clone officers. You should be careful to avoid Tricky the Clown when you are leaving the building. Be prepared to move quickly if you see him. It is also a good idea to have ammunition on hand as an extra precaution. You can now embark on a journey where you save the entire universe! The time has come to perform!
On our website, you can also find a wide range of shooting-related activities. It is similar to other games, like Cookie Clicker. Come on by to give it a go!
How To Play
- Move with WASD keys
- Evade with the right mouse button
- Shoot with left mouse button
- Switch weapons with the scroll wheel or the C key.
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