Train Bandit
Train Bandit
Train Bandit

Train Bandit

Train Bandit is an adventure game that's action-packed and set on a fast-paced railroad stage. Wear a mask to act like a fugitive criminal trying to guard your loot. If there's even the slightest sign that anything is amiss, then your police chief is going to make an immediate arrest. Place your legs under you. After juggling for a few seconds, you charge straight into the battle. Use a surprise attack to take your opponent by surprise. Avoid sheriff bullets. Be alert and ready to take action at all times.

Moving trains involves more than simply surviving. High scores can be achieved by avoiding obstacles and finding loot. Let's get started. Zombie Treasure Adventure also features the adventure genre. Join the Train Bandit frenzy today!

How To Play

  • Right arrow key = move forward
  • Space bar = shoot