Doc HoneyBerry Kitty Surgery
Doc HoneyBerry Kitty Surgery
Doc HoneyBerry Kitty Surgery

Doc HoneyBerry Kitty Surgery

Doc HoneyBerry Kitty Surgery lets you assume the role of Doc HoneyBerry during a medical simulation. Your task is to rescue a cat from an automobile. You must tend to a fractured bone as soon as possible. You can start to accessorize your cat as soon as they feel better.

After he is fully recovered, show tenderness and love to your cat. Bright colors will help boost your cat's confidence after he has recovered. After receiving some TLC, this adorable cat will be ready to conquer the world. To increase his cuteness, the kitty could benefit from a makeover. I wish you all the best.


Use the left mouse button to play the game.

How To Play

Use MOUSE to play the game.